Friday, January 2, 2009


Well new years are always special...celebrations,resolutions,to do lists,gifts,sweets etc..every year has been special to me for some reason or the other,but this one is even special and will always stay close in my heart because have a list of wonderful events coming up and here it goes

-the most memorable day everyone in my family is waiting for is the birth of my sisters anxious and exited about it.

-the next is the day im taking up my GRE test..the thought of it sends a shiver down my spine..havent yet decided about the dates which im hoping to do at the earliest..for me it the "YEAR OF THE GRE".eat,sleep and talk gre....

-finally its my last three months is college...urgh..ive wasted four years of my time and energy doing and learning nothing..curse will never be the same..

Now my new year resolution..this one was really difficult cause all my life ive not had rules and i never stick to one...but having convinced myself for my betterment ive decided to follow one..
"NEVER GIVE IN".All these years ive never bothered to put in that little effort and energy in any on the things ive done which had i done would have made a different me..thought this was the best one...

Well the to-do list for the year

-read atleast 12 novels for the a month..and watch as less films,when i mean less really less...oops ive already seen four..two yeasterday and two addicted..any rehabs please let me know..last year alone ive seen over a "HUNDRED" may be this years itll be "FIFTY".

-prepare and do my gre exams as best as i can...putting my heart and soul into it..god please read this one....

-get my body in perfect carzy about it at the moment...the six pack it coming baby..

-to so something funny
and im photographing myself every going to be for the years to follow..actually got this idea from youtube..heheh..its really fun..

-improve my language and my writing skills as much as possible..this blog is helping me to a great extent...

-to do somethimg spectacular...will let you all know when it happens...

-lastly ive got to "plan my work and work my plan"..its never easy for someone who has no idea about working...

well thats it for the year i guess..its the first time ive ever taken a resolution and am hoping to follow it with full dedication and life is going to rock for sure...."HAPPY NEW YEAR"


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