Monday, January 5, 2009


Today was the first day to college for the year 2009...reached around 8...was very anxious and exicted.It wore a deserted look except for the watchmen and the workers who queued in at the entrance to register themselves..on my way to the class glanced at the notice board and found nothing interesting..the department was so empty that i could hear my footsteps echoing through the hallway..opened to door and urgh..the desks very so dirty...they were covered with a thin film of dust that gave them this antique excitement was dying....more anxious i look at the time table to find out who i going to listen to for the first day of the final sem,bang all my exictement had already gone when i saw the name VIJILESH...god,he was the last person i had hoped simle disappeared all of a sudden..walked to the last bench took a magazine that lay beneath and dusted the desk sat down took my pen and book and started jolting down this(to keep myself exicted)..a few girls dropped in and immediately started arranging the desks,then Yamini came and was greeted with a big hai from her friends,what did she do?kept her bag in her place walked upto the board cleaned it and wrote the date..hmmm why didnt that thought ever occur to me...saravanaprabhu was invited by a meaow from someone next to me turned around to find ragavendra..when and where the hell did he come from...ooops many people barging in,cant multitask all i could hear was New Year wishes and a few giggles..i just put my head up and there was VIJILESH...back to square one..he looked curious and annoyed to find only a handful of boys in the last bench..was expecting him to ask us to move forward to the first bench..suprising he didnt...hardly five mins he didnt speak a word about the hols or new year, straight into the subject which he usually reads from a paper he always carries with now most of them had arrived....myself,arun,giri,rajeev and hari had occupied the last bench,Vijilesh started his monolouge while we discussed about the fin we had during the between the was dead silence all of a sudden looked up,hahahaha vijilesh had asked a often happens..this is where we stay united in the class not a single soul bothered to answer him cause more than half hardly knew what the question was.he gave up as usually and between he caught me day dreaming that was really embarrasing ......i then stopped writing...

today i read a beautiful article about thanking people,it said that the habit of thannking others should be cultivated and not taught..sometimes we become so exicted and happy that we forget about the people who helped you up i want to take this time out to thank two people who helped and inspired me to start this blog..PRAGI and PRIYANKAA.They made it look so simple...thank you soooooo muuuccccchhhhhh...

1 comment:

  1. Pradeeep!! :)

    I'm inspiration - so proud! :D Hee!

    Happy writing man! You won't be sorry! :D
